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Principles PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 11 November 2008


We discharge our responsibilities and duties to our fellow members, the people of Swaziland and Society with honesty and integrity. 

To the international community we declare that;

 We shall work towards maintaining peace in our region, in Africa and the world at large and that we believe in the settlement of both domestic and international disputes by peaceful negotiations. We identify ourselves with all democratic forces in the world which are struggling against oppression of all forms, We recognise and support the right of all peoples of the world to independence, sovereignty and self-determination, We shall subscribe to the United Nations, the Organisation of African Unity, the Southern African Development Community (SADC), We strongly condemn the degradation of the environmental, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the arming of space and we call upon all the democratic forces of the world to unite against all such threats to human existence. 

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 11 November 2008 )
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